Map of Experiences Across Europe
The risk of social exclusion among migrants is currently worryingly high. Research by the European Commission (’19) and the large study by Stathopoulou on trainers of people with migrant backgrounds in Europe report that there is a lack of materials specially designed to meet the needs of people with migrant backgrounds and that teachers are generally not trained to deal with the specific needs of people with a migrant background. During the last years the risk of social exclusion among people with migration background has grown, due to the increased insecurities and fears caused by the COVID pandemic. The inclusion policy was damaged, in several countries the numbers of refugees participating in inclusion courses has decreased and their language skills were highly weakened.
EU+Map project aims to offer people with a migrant background at risk of social exclusion to participate in language courses supported by a pedagogical curriculum that considers the sociological learning needs of people with a migrant background and create the necessary skills updating opportunities for trainers to implement the programs within the project and for future projects.
All the products and actions of the project will be specially designed to provide new and innovative strategies aimed at:
Digital Manual
For people with migration background language trainers including theoretical background, experts and people with migration background trainers’ consideration
Ready to use language prototype course
Upskilled trainers are able to create new draft
& ready to use language course prototypes for their most vulnerable learning groups.
The interactive Learning Space
for language trainers and people with migration background
Digital map
350 Stories from people with migratory background
Project Partners:
iberika Education Group gGmbH, Germany – Coordinator
SwIdeas AB, Sweden
Active Citizens Partnership, Greece
CESIE, Italy
CLAVIS sprog & kompetence, Denmark