TICC: Teacher as Interactive Content Creator
The role of the teacher has begun to change in the context of the inexorable progress of new information and communication technologies. In the 21st century classroom, teachers are becoming more like facilitators. Their role is to capture students’ attention and help them understand the material. The best way to do this is to involve them as much as possible in the learning process. One way to do this is to use didactic materials, including interactive elements, in the classroom. Interactive content can be presentations, video material, simple games, tests or even text documents. So, it is any digital file that allows interaction with the content. It is well known that the individual approach is the key to success. Therefore, teachers must also design their own didactic material. The TICC project is based on these two crucial assumptions and was created to elaborate a new teaching approach that focuses on teachers as designers and facilitators.
Project Partners:
Szkoła Podstawowa im. Ks. Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Głogowie Poland – Coordinator
School Inspectorate, Arges County Romania
Istituto Statale E.Montale Italy
ETIC_Algarve Portugal
Danmar Computers Poland
iberika Education Group gGmbH Germany
Erasmus+ 2018-1-PL01-KA201-050763
Study of Best Practices – Downloadable
Here you can download the Study of Best Practices in English and German E-book-DE-final-1Herunterladen E-book-EN-finalHerunterladen
TICC Digital Multiplier Event
We had a great digital Multiplier Event on March 22nd, 2021 as part of our project TICC learning how to use Quizizz in our language classes. Thanks to the teachers for joining!
Final Transnational Partner Meeting (Digital) – 03.03.2021
Today we had our final transnational partner meeting and although we all wish we could've met in sunny Italy, we met together online for a productive wrap up meeting. We discussed the final activities of the project and will continue sharing the TICC space with our...
TICC Informational Video
TICC Update April 2020
Hier können Sie den zweiten Newsletter vom April 2020 lesen. Darin enthalten sind Kommentare und Feedback von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, die im September 2019 an unserer Schulung teilgenommen haben.
TICC Joint-staff Trainingwoche in Faro, 16.-20. September 2019
Vom 16. bis 20. September besuchten wir unsere Partner in Faro, Portugal, für eine einwöchige Schulung zur Erstellung digitaler Lehrmaterialien. Dieses Training lud LehrerInnen jeder Partnerorganisation ein, sich zu treffen und Wissen über die Implementierung...
TICC – Projektziele
Hauptziel und andere Ziele werden durch die Entwicklung der folgenden Leistungen erreicht: IO1 - IC Teachers Resource Set, ein Leitfaden und eine Sammlung didaktischer Materialien, einschließlich einer Einführung in interaktive Inhalte und ein Handbuch zum...